Minnie 6837's Sponsorship Page
Minnie 6837


Minnie-6837 Is an incredibly sweet and docile girl. Minnie came into foster today but so far we are seeing a very well mannered, laid back and smart dog. Out and about Minnie has been complimented on her good behavior and calm demeanor multiple times. Another plus for Minnie is She loves children! When she sees them she gets very happy and lets them love all over her. She is good with dogs with a proper introduction and plays very well with them outside etc but can sometimes struggle with sharing her humans attention …so experience with a more dominant/ alpha dog is a plus. Minnie is very attentive to her people and wants to be with them always. She stays focused on you when out in public. She is very smart and I believe to be easily trainable. She has excellent recall and knows sit. I have also been told Minnie is crate and potty trained. Don’t miss out on this wonderful girl who would make a fantastic family dog. 

Approved adopters can email rodschlemm@gmail.com 

Minnie 6837's Sponsorship Options

One Time Sponsorship
  Sponsor $
  Sponsor $

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Recurring Sponsorship
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