First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Best time to call:*
Have there been any substantial changes to your home since your previous adoption such as new pet, new child, new roommate, etc?*
Do you have children that will be in contact with this dog?
Do you own or rent?
Landlord's Name & Phone #: (Please enter N/A if you selected own.)*
Do your covenants / regulations have any restrictions against large breeds and/or GSDs?
How many dogs are you permitted to have based on local city/county zoning ordinances?*
Please list the name(s) of your VGSR dogs [tag number and adoption date, if known]:*
What other pets are in your household who will be in contact with the dog you adopt [once you are approved]? (Type / sex / age for each)?*
Is every dog / cat neutered or spayed?
If no, please explain why:
Will you give your VGSR dog Heartworm Preventative?
Please list all veterinarians, including mobile clinics, Names, Addresses and Phone Numbers, that have provided care for your previous [in the last 3 years] and current pet[s].
By providing this information, you are authorizing a veterinary reference check by a VGSR representative.
Vet Name / Phone / City & State:*
Would you be willing to let a representative of VGSR visit your home by appointment?
Would you like to receive emails concerning VGSR events?
Name of dog(s) you are interested in:*
Providing this information does not guarantee adoption of any specific or requested dog. The foster of each dog will make the final decision to determine if a prospective home would be the best placement for their foster dog.
I/We have read and carefully answered each question on this Adoption Application and have provided truthful answers. I/We understand that VGSR will rely on the answers I/we have provided in going forward with the adoption process and, in the event that VGSR learns that false information has been given, I/we may be denied the right to adopt a dog and/or any dog placed in our care by VGSR and may be required to be returned to VGSR and all fees paid by us to VGSR will be forfeited. I hereby certify that I have never been convicted of animal cruelty, neglect, or abandonment (all parties must sign):
Applicant's signature:*
Applicant's signature: