Sable and VGSR
For every journey, there is a first step ...

You've all seen her face - VGSR's very own mascot, Sable. When VGSR began our mission back in 2001, Sable was the first dog that was surrendered to our rescue. She came to us from a young military family stationed in the Tidewater area of Virginia. Her original family consisted of a dad who was serving our country, a mom, and five kids under age six. Since the father was "out at sea", the young mother was overwhelmed just trying to keep up with five little kids.
Sable was delivered to us during our first fund-raising event which was a huge yard sale. Granted while she did not get along well with other dogs, she was terrific with kids of all ages. She was adopted out to a young man and unfortunately he had to return her to us because she kept trying to dismantle the resident cat. Then along came Sable's angels, and her forever home, in the form of Sandra and Emmett. We were extra careful with her second placement because we did not want her to have her life disrupted once again. When Sandra & Emmett signed her adoption contract, Emmett made the comment that "The only way she will ever leave us is when God decides to take her". I knew then, in my heart of hearts that Sable had finally found her home. She moved with her folks to NC and they would drive all the way back up here every year to visit us at the reunion.
She remained with the Harlan's until she passed and they loved her like a daughter. So even though she had a pretty rough start, she ended up with a wonderful couple who could not have loved her more. She will always be special, and the face of VGSR, since she was the very first dog to receive our help.
Sable, we love you and miss you!